Last minute important stuff!

Last minute important stuff!

This post is a last minute attempt to identify some important things I should know abut the places I am visiting…

… especially about the food!

I’m presenting the information in short form, as I only have two more sleeps before I leave.


And so I don’t have time for finessing.

I started by asking myself what each country is famous for, and I selected the following:

Then I wanted to check out the food items in country which I need to try.


Karjalanpiirakat or Karelian pies have a rye crust with a rice filling, they are topped with chopped boiled egg mixed with butter

Finland is also known for its rye bread with Finnish Leipajuusto squeaky cheese, served with cloudberry jam and coffee.



The Stegt Flaesk is a traditional dish of crispy pork with parsley sauce and potatoes – a cholesterol nightmare!?!?

Fun fact – Danish pastries are not actually Danish in origin. They were made by Austrian bakers in Denmark, then gained such popularity they were effectively adopted.


There is also pickled herring (which I have been told I must try) and Skrei (Norwegian Arctic cod)

Two foods which appear to be common to all of the countries, but with each country having their own particular delectable version, are meatballs and cinnamon buns.


  • In Finland they are called Lohapyorykoita
  • In Sweden they are Senska Kottbullar
  • In Denmark, Frikadeller
  • And in Norway they are referred to as Kjottkaker or Kjattboller

I’m not including photos. To be honest they all looked pretty similar, but apparently the difference is in the size. And hopefully the taste… I’m looking forward to trying them!

Cinnamon buns

In Norway I’m going to need to try these two types:

So, this brings me to the end of my pre-trip posts.

I can’t wait to get going, to see all the wonderful places and taste all the sensational food.

And with any luck, there may be some northern lights up there to top it all off?!

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