Finding the Arctic….
Where in the Arctic am I going?
Most of us would associate “the Arctic” with the North Pole. (Which North Pole, I would ask? We’ll go into that later)
That’s only partly correct.
The Arctic is a region, which is made up of both land and sea. Its boundary is generally accepted to be the Arctic Circle, currently at approximately 66 degrees north

My trip is to two different parts of the Arctic.
I’ll be starting my adventure by voyaging around Svalbard, a group of islands north of Norway, located between 74 and 81 degrees north. I’ll be travelling on a small ship (43 metres in length), one of only 12 guests. The small size of the vessel means that we will be able to access remotes places for spectacular sights, including wildlife ( for example, polar bears!)

After Svalbard, it’s off to Greenland. I am doing a tour of the South West coast. Because Greenland is almost completely covered in ice, there are no roads between the towns. Greenlanders travel mainly by boat. And that is what I will be doing as well, using the commuter ferry (along with the locals) to get from place to place. (Quick explanation here… the commuter ferry is 73 metres long and has bunk style sleeping quarters). In Greenland, the northernmost town I will be visiting is located at around 69 degrees north.

Below are the ships I will be travelling on.
What is wonderful is that I’ll be having this amazing adventure with some of my “Antarctic friends”. Yes, on that Antarctic adventure I did back in 2018 (doesn’t time fly?!) I made some great friends. We have kept in touch, already done some trips together, and now are off on another Polar adventure!
So, just like I did before my Antarctic trip, I am currently immersed in preparations and research, which I will be sharing with you over the coming months.
I leave in mid June….so I’d better get cracking!?
2 thoughts on “Finding the Arctic….”
Gosh, it looks like an amazing trip! Im so thrilled to be going with you! 😁
And I with you!
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